Science GK

1.  Who first used the term photosynthesis?  |
 - Scientist Barnes.
 2.  Enter the name of the dyeing analyzer.  -
 3.  What is the name of the shrimp's breathing organ?  - Floral.
 4.  How many pigeons are there in the air?  - Five.
 5.  What is the name of the piercing breath?  - Breathless.
 6.  What is the name of a non-abusive plant?  - East.
 7.  Where Did Peter Get Out?  - From the bad.
 8.  1 ml.  Normal amount of glucose in the blood
 How much should there be? - 1-5 mg.
 9.  Which is the strongest object in our body?  -
 Tooth (enamel).
 10.  Lack of iron in the body is basically a rag.
 Is it? —Anmia.
 11.  What is the nutritional system of animals?  - Halogenic
 12.  Which vitamin is called an anti-geropathic
 Is it  - Vitamin A
 13.  Which Vitamin is called Anti-Sterility?  -
 Vitamin - E.

 14.  Which vitamin is called anti-hemorrhagic?  -
 |  Vitamin - K.
 15.  Which vitamin is called anti-racotic?  -
 Vitamin D
 16.  Which vitamin is called antisarcadotic?  -
 Vitamin C
 17.  Scarve rag is lacking any vitamin?  -
 Vitamin C
 18.  What is the cause of pellagra rage?  - Vitamin B, deficiency.
 20.  What does the body say about the lack of vitamins?
 -Hippa vitaminasis.
 21.  Excess of vitamins in the body
 What is the presence of vitamins?  - Hyper vitamins.
 22.  What is called the absence of vitamins in the body?  -
 23.  Which vitamin is lacking in the urinary tract?

 Vitamin - A. '
 24.  Which fungus is called gripe milled?  -
 25.  What is gerestomia mean?  - In the mouth.
 Reducing saliva emissions.
 26.  What is stromatitis?  - At the corner of the lip
 Wounds (Vitamin B deficiency).
 27.  What is the chemical name of vitamin D?  - Calciferol.

 28.  The white color of milk is for the presence of which substance?
 - Lactose.
 29.  No part of the human body is affected by scurvy rage
 Is it  - The garden.
 30.  What is the human dental formula?  - 2123.


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